First day of our trip - Reisverslag uit Yarmouth, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Fleur Megens - First day of our trip - Reisverslag uit Yarmouth, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Fleur Megens -

First day of our trip

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Fleur

25 April 2015 | Verenigd Koninkrijk, Yarmouth

Today was the day Jacey, her family and I left towards England. We had to wake up at 3'30 am. We packed our luggage and then we were ready to leave. We drove from Oss to Callais (France). It was a three hour trip to Callais. When we got to Callais, we checked in at the harbour. We had to wait a little while before we could get on the boat. It was an one and half hour trip from Callais to Dover (South England). From Dover we had to drive to Portsmouth. In Portsmouth we had take the boat to Fishbourne. The boat trip took about 25 minutes. It was a nice trip because we could sit outside on the deck of the boat. The view was beautiful and the sun was shining. When we arrived in Fishbourne we had to drive another 30-40 minutes to Yarmouth. That is the place where we stay. We stay on The West Bay Club which is a recreation park with different facilities like a swimmingpool, gym, coffeehouse and a spa. When we arrived at The West Bay Club we met Steve Deacon, who is the general manager. At The West Bay Club we are going to do our internship, which starts on Monday. Now we are relaxing in our cottage. I think I'm going to enjoy this intership/holiday a lot!

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Verslag uit: Verenigd Koninkrijk, Yarmouth

Internship England

Internship at the West Bay Club

Recente Reisverslagen:

06 Mei 2015

Day eight, nine & ten

02 Mei 2015

Day six & seven

30 April 2015

Day five

30 April 2015

Day four

28 April 2015

Third day

Actief sinds 13 April 2015
Verslag gelezen: 121
Totaal aantal bezoekers 3245

Voorgaande reizen:

13 April 2015 - 31 December 2015

Internship England

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